The ERS State Fact Sheets provide summary data for the U.S. and each State (and include Puerto Rico when available) for population, income, poverty, per capita income, food security, educational attainment, earnings per job, employment, unemployment, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top agricultural commodities, and agricultural exports. Statistics are also provided for the rural and urban portions of the nation and States when possible. Note that select indicators (population, poverty, employment/unemployment, and educational attainment) are available at the county level in the USDA, ERS data product, County-level Data Sets.
Data Sources
Rural/Urban Delineation
The indicators in the USDA, Economic Research Service State Fact Sheets that are available for rural/urban portions of States (population, poverty, per capita income, earnings per job, employment/unemployment and educational attainment) use the 2023 metro definitions from Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Metropolitan and Micropolitan Area Delineation Files, July 2023).
The USDA, Economic Research Service State Fact Sheets use the terms rural/urban interchangeably with nonmetropolitan/metropolitan. To determine rural/urban national and State statistics, county-level data are aggregated by metropolitan status to generate rural/urban totals and rates for the nation and by State. Nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) counties are defined as counties that are not included in a metropolitan statistical area (MSA). Specifically, counties with Rural-Urban Continuum Codes (RUCCs) 1–3 are metropolitan and counties with RUCCs 4–9 are nonmetropolitan.
See also the Update and Revision History at the bottom of this page.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1980 Decennial Census (Puerto Rico only) and the Population Estimates Program: 1980–1990 national intercensal tables; 1990–2000 national intercensal tables; 2000–2010 national intercensal tables; and vintage 2020 and 2023 population estimates.
For more information contact Austin Sanders or John Cromartie and see the Population & Migration topic page.
Per Capita Income
Per capital income is calculated by dividing total personal income by the total population in an area.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts, Local Area Personal Income, Table CAINC05N.
For more information contact Kathleen Kassel.
Earnings Per Job
Earnings per job is calculated by dividing total earnings (wage/salary and self-employment) income by the total number of jobs in an area.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Regional Economic Accounts, Local Area Personal Income, Tables CAINC05N and CAEMP25N. Note that BEA has discontinued table CAEMP25N; earnings per job for 2022 is the latest statistic available in the State Fact Sheets and updates to this indicator are discontinued.
For more information contact Kathleen Kassel.
Poverty Rates
Poverty rates for 1999 come directly from the 2000 Decennial Census; poverty rates for 2010, 2020, and latest year come from the U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE). See important notes about poverty data and intercensal model-based poverty estimates.
For more information contact Tracey Farrigan and see the Rural Poverty & Well-being topic page.
Household-Level Food Insecurity and Very Low Food Security
Household food insecurity and very low food security measures are estimated by USDA, Economic Research Service; see the Food Security in the United States data product for details.
For more information contact Matthew P. Rabbitt.
Educational attainment is comprised of four mutually exclusive categories for persons 25 years of age and older:
- Less than high school graduate—Percent of the population 25 years old or older whose highest completed level of schooling was 12th grade or lower and who do not have a high school diploma.
- High school graduate (or equivalency)—Percent of the population 25 years old or older whose highest completed level of schooling was 12th grade and who have a high school diploma; includes those with a high school equivalency.
- Some college or associate degree—Percent of the population 25 years old or older with some college credit but no bachelor's degree or higher; includes those with associate degrees.
- Bachelor’s degree or higher—Percent of the population 25 years old or older with bachelor's degree or higher.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990, 2000 Censuses of Population; and 2008–12 and 2019–23 5-year American Community Surveys (ACS). The 5-year ACS estimates include data collected in 2020, which had larger margins of error because of data collection complications during the COVID-19 pandemic. See the Census Bureau’s page on Increased Margins of Error in the 5-Year Estimates Containing Data Collected in 2020 for more details.
For more information contact Brandon Genetin and see the Rural Education topic page.
Employment Change
Employment change is computed as the difference in the annual average number of persons employed in the years indicated, as a percent of employment in the base year. Employment is based on place of residence.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics. See the Rural Employment and Unemployment topic page for details.
For more information contact Austin Sanders.
The unemployment rate is the percentage of the civilian labor force age 16 and over that can not find a job, but is willing to work and actively seeking employment. The rural and urban unemployment rates were computed by summing the number of unemployed and the civilian labor force across all nonmetropolitan and metropolitan counties, and calculating the percent unemployed.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics.
For more information contact Austin Sanders and see the Rural Employment and Unemployment topic page.
Farm Characteristics
Source: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Census of Agriculture.
For more information contact NASS Customer Service, 1-800-727-9540.
Farm Financial Indicators
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service. See the Farm Income and Wealth Statistics data page for details.
For more information contact the Farm Income Team.
Top 5 Agricultural Commodities
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service. See Cash Receipts Data for details.
For more information contact the Farm Income Team.
Top 5 Agricultural Exports
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service. See State Agricultural Trade Data for details.
For more information contact Bart Kenner and James Kaufman.
Top 5 Counties in Agricultural Sales
Source: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Census of Agriculture 2007, 2012, and 2017 (available through Census Data Query Tool (CDQT)).
For more information contact NASS Customer Service, 1-800-727-9540.
Update and Revision History
February 6, 2025—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
January 31, 2025—Added the latest estimates of U.S. and State-level poverty (2023), per capita income (2023), earnings per job (2022), employment/unemployment (2023), and educational attainment (2019–23, 5-year estimates).
December 3, 2024—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates for 2022 and 2023.
September 5, 2024—Added the latest 3-year average (2021–23) U.S. and State household food insecurity and very low food security estimates; updated previous 3-year average time periods and estimates. Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities for 2022; 2023 U.S. and State estimates are now available.
June 20, 2024—Added the latest population estimates (2023) and educational attainment from the latest 5-year American Community Survey (2018–22).
February 7, 2024—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
November 30, 2023—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
November 17, 2023—This release updated the top agricultural export commodities with calendar year 2022 estimates.
October 25, 2023—Added the latest 3-year average (2020–22) U.S. and State household food insecurity and very low food security estimates. Updated previous 3-year average time periods and estimates.
August 31, 2023—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities (2022 U.S. and State estimates are available).
June 16, 2023—Added the latest U.S. and State-level employment/unemployment estimates (2022 annual average); previous years were revised. Added the latest population estimates (2022); poverty estimates (2021); and employment change/unemployment rates (2022).
February 24, 2023—Added estimates on educational attainment from the latest American Community Survey (2017–21).
February 7, 2023—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
December 13, 2022—Data for top State agricultural exports were revised on December 13, 2022 (see State Agricultural Trade Data for details).
December 1, 2022—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
October 27, 2022—This release updated the top agricultural export commodities to calendar year 2021 estimates.
September 7, 2022—Added the latest 3-year average (2019–21) U.S. and State household food insecurity and very low food security estimates. Updated previous 3-year average time periods and estimates.
September 1, 2022—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities (2021 U.S. and State estimates available).
June 3, 2022—Added the latest U.S. and State-level employment/unemployment estimates (2021 annual average); previous years were revised. Added the latest population estimates (2021); poverty estimates (2020); educational attainment estimates (2016–20 average); and employment change/unemployment rates (2021).
February 4, 2022—Incorporated revisions to 2020 estimates for farm financial indicators and top commodities in cash receipts.
January 5, 2022—Statistics on per capita income and earnings per job have been updated with the latest available data (2020); previous years were revised.
December 1, 2021—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
November 1, 2021—This release updated the top agricultural export commodities estimates to 2020.
October 8, 2021—Added 2020 decennial population data.
September 9, 2021—Added the latest 3-year average (2018–20) U.S. and State household food insecurity and very low food security estimates. Updated previous 3-year average time periods and estimates.
September 2, 2021—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates (2020 State estimates available).
June 2, 2021—Added the latest (2020) U.S. and State-level employment/unemployment estimates; previous years were revised.
February 24, 2021—Statistics on educational attainment, per capita income, and earnings per job have been updated with the latest available data (2019).
February 5, 2021—Incorporated revisions to 2019 estimates for farm financial indicators and top commodities in cash receipts.
January 5, 2021—Added the latest (2019) U.S. and State-Level poverty estimates.
December 2, 2020—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
October 29, 2020—This release updated the top agricultural export estimates to 2019.
September 9, 2020—Added the latest (2017–19) U.S. and State household food insecurity and very low food security estimates.
September 2, 2020—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates (2019 State estimates available).
May 13, 2020—Added the latest (2019) U.S. and State-level employment/unemployment estimates; previous years were revised. Added the latest (2019) U.S. and State-level population estimates; previous years were revised.
February 5, 2020—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates. Statistics on educational attainment, per capita income, and earnings per job have been updated with the latest available data (2018). Added the latest (2018) U.S. and State-Level poverty estimates.
November 27, 2019—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
October 31, 2019—This release updated the top agricultural export estimates to 2018.
October 7, 2019—The table for Organic Agriculture (number of certified operations and crop/pasture acreage) was removed. Updates to the ERS data source used for this table have been discontinued. Information on certified organic producers, by State, is available from the Agricultural Marketing Service, Organic Integrity Database.; organic acreage is available from the National Agricultural Statistics Service.
September 6, 2019—Added the latest (2016-18) U.S. and State household food insecurity estimates.
August 30, 2019—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates (2018 State estimates available).
May 30, 2019—Added data from the 2017 Census of Agriculture on farm characteristics and top counties in agricultural sales. Added the latest (2018) U.S. and State-level employment/unemployment estimates; previous years were revised. Added the latest (2018) U.S. and State-level population estimates; previous years were revised.
March 6, 2019—Farm financial indicators and top commodities were revised.
February 28, 2019—Statistics on educational attainment, per capita income, and earnings per job have been updated with the latest available data (2017).
November 30, 2018—Revised farm financial indicators and top commodities estimates.
October 26, 2018—Added the latest (2017) U.S. and State-Level poverty estimates. Updated the agricultural export data to 2017.
September 5, 2018—Added the latest (2017) food security estimates.
August 30, 2018—Revised farm financial indicators estimates (2017 State estimates available).
July 30, 2018—The State Fact Sheets were reposted to revise data in the top 5 agriculture exports; see errata for details.
July 17, 2018—The State Fact Sheets were revised to reflect a correction to the ERS data product Farm Income and Wealth Statistics. Those data were revised to correct an omission of production data for potatoes in Alaska and Maine in 2015 and 2016, and a data processing error with 2016 State-level conservation payments. Including the potato production data increases U.S. potato and total cash receipts $60.3 million in 2015 and $152.9 million in 2016 and increases the value of the crop inventory adjustment $10.3 million in 2015. Other data or reports containing these variables (including gross and net farm income, gross and net cash farm income) were likewise revised. Overall, U.S. net farm income and net cash farm income were revised upward less than 0.3 percent in 2015 and 2016. To correct the data processing error—which incorrectly assigned some conservation program payments to certain States but did not affect national totals—data and reports including State-level direct government program payments were revised.
May 24, 2018—Added the latest (2017) U.S. and State-level employment/unemployment estimates; previous years were revised.
April 19, 2018—Added the latest (2017) U.S. and State-level population estimates; previous years were revised.
February 7, 2018—Revised farm financial indicators estimates.
January 25, 2018—Statistics on educational attainment, per capita income, and earnings per job have been updated with the latest available data.
December 14, 2017—Data on top State exports was replaced; see the errata for details.
November 29, 2017—Revised farm financial indicators estimates.
November 7, 2017—Updated the agricultural export data to 2016.
October 25, 2017—Added the latest (2016) U.S. and State-Level ;poverty estimates.
September 29, 2017—Added the latest food security estimates for 2016.
June 8, 2017—Employment change and unemployment data were updated with 2016 estimates; previous years were revised.
April 14, 2017—Population data were updated with 2016 estimates; previous years were revised.
February 7, 2017—Revised farm financial indicators estimates.
January 27, 2017—Statistics on poverty, educational attainment, per capita income, and earnings per job have been updated with the latest available data.
November 30, 2016—Revised farm financial indicators estimates.
November 4, 2016—Updated the agricultural export data to 2015.
September 8, 2016—Posted the latest food security estimates for 2015.
August 30, 2016—Posted new farm financial indicators for 2015, and revised estimates for 2014. Replaced the 2014 Top 5 Agricultural Commodities with 2015 estimates.
July 20, 2016—Corrected percent of cropland in pasture from the 2012 Census of Agriculture. See errata for more information.
June 3, 2016—Unemployment rates and employment change variables updated with 2015 data, and revised estimates for previous years.
April 29, 2016—Population estimates were updated to 2015.
Recommended Citation
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. (2025, February 6). State fact sheets.