Animal Product Sector Analyses
- Impacts of the 2014-2015 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak on the U.S. Poultry Sector
- China's Dairy Supply and Demand
- India's Dairy Sector: Structure, Performance, and Prospects
- China's Pork Imports Rise Along with Production Costs
- Growth of U.S. Dairy Exports
- From Where the Buffalo Roam: India's Beef Exports
- Mandatory Price Reporting, Market Efficiency, and Price Discovery in Livestock Markets
- Development of China's Feed Industry and Demand for Imported Commodities
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Tariff-Rate Quotas for U.S. Meat Exports to the European Union
- Assessing the Growth of U.S. Broiler and Poultry Meat Exports
- Slaughter and Processing Options and Issues for Locally Sourced Meat
- Alternative Beef Production Systems: Issues and Implications
- Where's the (Not) Meat?-Byproducts From Beef and Pork Production
- Cattle Sector Production Practices and Regional Price Differences
- Long-Term Growth in U.S. Cheese Consumption May Slow
- Factors Shaping Expanding U.S. Red Meat Trade
Biofuels Analyses
- Global Demand for Fuel Ethanol Through 2030
- Effects of Recent Energy Price Reductions on U.S. Agriculture
- The Renewable Identification Number System and U.S. Biofuel Mandates
- Estimating the Substitution of Distillers' Grains for Corn and Soybean Meal in the U.S. Feed Complex
- Market Issues and Prospects for U.S. Distillers' Grains Supply, Use, and Price Relationships
- Next-Generation Biofuels: Near-Term Challenges and Implications for Agriculture
- Ethanol Co-Product Use in U.S. Cattle Feeding: Lessons Learned and Considerations (see Feed Outlook: April 2009)
Country & Regional Analyses
- U.S. Agricultural Exports to Colombia: Rising Sales in Response to Trade Liberalization and Changing Consumer Trends
- Impacts on India's Farmers and Processors of Reducing Soybean Import Barriers
- The Growing Corn Economies of Mexico and the United States
- Interdependence of China, United States, and Brazil in Soybean Trade
- Developments in Iran’s Agriculture Sector and Prospects for U.S. Trade
- Changing Crop Area in the Former Soviet Union Region
- Poultry Production and Trade in the Republic of South Africa: a Look at Alternative Trade Policy Scenarios
- A New Outlook for the U.S.-Mexico Sugar and Sweetener Market
- Brazil's Corn Industry and the Effect on the Seasonal Pattern of U.S. Corn Exports
- Tariff Reforms and the Competitiveness of U.S. Beef in Japan
- Projecting World Raw Sugar Prices
- Cotton Policy in China
- U.S.-Cuba Agricultural Trade: Past, Present and Possible Future
- Middle East and North Africa Region: An Important Driver of World Agricultural Trade
- NAFTA at 20: North America's Free-Trade Area and Its Impact on Agriculture
- Prospects for China's Corn Yield Growth and Imports
- Afghanistan's Wheat Flour Market: Policies and Prospects
- World Raw Sugar Prices: The Influence of Brazilian Costs of Production and World Surplus/Deficit Measures
- Rising Grain Exports by the Former Soviet Union Region
- Southeast Asia's Rice Surplus
- Economic Policy and Cotton in Uzbekistan
- China's Market for Distillers Dried Grains and the Key Influences on Its Longer Run Potential
- China's Volatile Pork Industry
- Trade, the Expanding Mexican Beef Industry, and Feedlot and Stocker Cattle Production in Mexico
- Why Have Food Commodity Prices Risen Again?
- Brazil's Ethanol Industry: Looking Forward
- Brazil's Cotton Industry: Economic Reform and Development
- Global Agricultural Supply and Demand: Factors Contributing to the Recent Increase in Food Commodity Prices
- NAFTA at 17: Full Implementation Leads to Increased Trade and Integration
- Peru: An Emerging Exporter of Fruits and Vegetables
- The U.S. and Mexican Dry Bean Sectors
- Cow-Calf Beef Production in Mexico
- Investment in Processing Industry Turns Chinese Apples Into Juice Exports (see Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: October 2010)
- Japan's Beef Market
- The Economic Impact of Karnal Bunt Phytosanitary Wheat Export Certificates (see Wheat Outlook: August 2010)
- Trade and Food Security Implications From the Indonesian Agricultural Experience
- Price Volatility in Afghanistan's Wheat Market (see Wheat Outlook: May 2010)
- Indian Sugar Sector Cycles Down, Poised To Rebound
- Fruit Policies in Japan (see Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: April 2010)
- China Is Using More Corn for Industrial Products (see Feed Outlook: December 2009)
- Russia's Growing Agricultural Imports: Causes and Outlook
- NAFTA at 15: Building on Free Trade
- Fiber Use for Textiles and China's Cotton Textile Exports
- Colombia: A New Ethanol Producer on the Rise?
Crop Sector Analyses
- Merits of an Aggregate Futures Price Forecasting Model for the All Wheat U.S. Season-Average Farm Price
- Fresh and Processed Vegetable Exports through United States Ports of Entry (see Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: April 2020 )
- Impacts on India's Farmers and Processors of Reducing Soybean Import Barriers
- Unpacking the Growth in Per Capita Availability of Fresh Market Tomatoes
- Rice in Asia's Feed Markets
- An Exploration of Crop Markets: A Deeper Look Into the USDA Crop Baseline Projections
- Forecasting the U.S. Season-Average Farm Price of Upland Cotton: Derivation of a Futures Price Forecasting Model
- The Rice Market in South Korea
- Haiti's U.S. Rice Imports
- Evolving U.S. Fruit Markets and Seasonal Grower Price Patterns
- Recent Convergence Performance of Futures and Cash Prices for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat
- Imports Contribute to Year-Round Fresh Fruit Availability
- Weather Effects on Expected Corn and Soybean Yields
- Implications of an Early Corn Crop Harvest for Feed and Residual Use Estimates
- Characteristics of Conventional and Organic Apple Production in the United States
- Consolidation and Structural Change in the U.S. Rice Sector
- Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: Analyzing the Processing Cucumber Market
- Financial Characteristics of Vegetable and Melon Farms (see Vegetables and Melons Outlook: February 2011)
- Peanut Outlook: Impacts of the 2008-09 Foodborne Illness Outbreak Linked to Salmonella in Peanuts
- Younger Consumers Exhibit Less Demand for Fresh Vegetables (see Vegetables and Melons Outlook: August 2009)
- Issues and Prospects in Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat Futures Markets
- Trends In U.S. Cotton Basis Since 2001
- Specialized U.S. Fruit and Tree Nut Farm Production Expenses (see Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: June 2009)
- Factors Behind the Rise in Global Rice Prices in 2008
- Consequences of Higher Input Costs and Wheat Prices for U.S. Wheat Producers (see Wheat Outlook: March 2009)
Food Security Assessment
- International Food Security Assessment, 2021-31
- International Food Security Assessment, 2020–30
- International Food Security Assessment, 2019-29
- International Food Security Assessment, 2018-28
- International Food Security Assessment, 2017-27
- International Food Security Assessment, 2016-26
- International Food Security Assessment, 2015-25
- International Food Security Assessment, 2011-21
- Food Security Assessment, 2010-20
Macroeconomics & Agriculture
- Global Macroeconomic Developments Drive Downturn in U.S. Agricultural Exports
- The 2008-09 Recession and Recovery Implications for the Growth and Financial Health of U.S. Agriculture
- European Financial Imbalances: Implications of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Problem for U.S. Agricultural Exports
- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Changes to the Regulation of Derivatives and their Impact on Agribusiness
- The Debt Finance Landscape for U.S. Farming and Farm Businesses
- What the 2008/2009 World Economic Crisis Means for Global Agricultural Trade
- The 2008/2009 World Economic Crisis: What It Means for U.S. Agriculture
- Factors Contributing to the Recent Increase in U.S. Fertilizer Prices, 2002-08