Assessing Food Security
The United States leads efforts to improve global food security, providing about half of global food aid. Global food security has improved over the past 20 years, but both challenges and opportunities remain. ERS researchers analyze the roles of trade, agricultural productivity, safety nets, incomes, prices, and better data and measurement in achieving these gains. Please note that publications of the International Food Security Assessment (IFSA) report prior to 2016 utilize an older methodology to estimate levels of food insecurity.
Related Links
U.S. Department of Agriculture
World Agricultural Outlook Board. Supply and demand estimates, weather, international prices, and climate.
Foreign Agricultural Service. Country and commodity information.
Other U.S. Government agencies
State Department Office of Global Food Security. Current news and policy updates.
Central Intelligence Agency, World Factbook. Information (geographic, economic, and political) on 266 geographic entities in the world.
International Organizations
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization.
FAOSTAT. Data on production, trade, food balance sheets, fertilizer and pesticides, land use and irrigation, forest and fishery products, population, agricultural machinery, and food aid shipments.
Global Information and Early Warning System. Information on the global crop outlook, food shortages, weather updates, special reports on countries/regions suffering from severe or emergency food situations, and country-by-country information on Sub-Saharan Africa.
World Bank. Country and regional reports and data.
International Monetary Fund. Publications, country information, and press releases.
International Food Policy Research Institute. Research and policy analysis for meeting the food needs of developing countries.