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Vegetables and Pulses - Data

Vegetables and Pulses Data: Yearbook Tables contain a time series of annual supply (production, imports, beginning stocks), availability (exports, ending stocks, domestic use), and season-average prices (nominal and deflated dollars) for U.S. fresh and processing vegetables, potatoes, pulse crops, and mushrooms.

Vegetables and Pulses Data: Data by Category provides current producer price indexes (PPI) and retail price indexes (CPI), and a few Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) retail prices for price, production, etc.

Vegetables and Pulses Data: Data by Commodity provides current import and export data for more than 40 fresh and processed vegetable and pulse commodities on a marketing-year basis.

Phytosanitary Regulation of the Entry of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables into the United States contains information on the countries eligible to export certain fresh fruits and vegetables to the United States, according to USDA's Animal and Plant Health and Inspection Service, and provides data on global production and trade for these commodities.

Commodity and Food Elasticities Database allows searches of income, expenditure, and own- and cross-price elasticities for specific commodities and countries, which can be ranked and sorted. The elasticities are mainly from U.S. research on consumer demand published in working papers, dissertations, and peer-reviewed journals. The greatest number of demand studies are for vegetables, fruits, meat, and grocery products in the United States and China.

Historical Vegetables and Pulses Outlook reports are available from the Mann Library under these titles: The Vegetable Situation, Vegetables and Melons Outlook, and Vegetable and Pulses Outlook.