Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook Tables
This data product contains summary statistics on sugar, sugarbeets, sugarcane, corn sweeteners (dextrose, glucose, and high-fructose corn syrup), and honey. The majority of the data are compiled from the following USDA agencies: Agricultural Marketing Service, Farm Service Agency, Foreign Agricultural Service, National Agricultural Statistic Service, and Office of the Chief Economist. Data are monthly, quarterly, and/or annually, depending upon the data series. Most data are shown in fiscal years (October 1 to September 30); others are in calendar years (January 1 to December 31). These data can be used to monitor and analyze U.S. sweetener policy and events that affect the domestic, Mexican, and other international sweetener markets.
For further information on how these data are compiled see the Documentation page.
Also on this page is the interactive Honey Data Visualization where users can learn about the increasing consumption of honey and honey-sweetened products in the United States and how imports have been complementing domestic honey production in meeting demand.
This data product includes the following data series:
- World Sugar Production, Supply, and Distribution
- World, U.S., and Mexican Sugar and Corn Sweetener Prices
- U.S. and Mexican Sugar Supply and Use
- Corn Sweetener Supply, Use, and Trade
- U.S. Imports of Sugar Syrups
- U.S. Sugar Byproducts, Imports and Prices
- U.S. Maple Syrup Production, Prices, and Trade
- U.S. Honey Production and Trade
- U.S. Consumption of Caloric Sweeteners
- U.S. Sugar and Sweetener Trade Tables from USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service