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Oil Crops Yearbook

The Oil Crops Yearbook is a compilation of the supply and demand statistics for oil crops, animal fats, and their respective products. This data product is published each year in March and includes data published in the monthly Oil Crops Outlook.

The Oil Crops Yearbook contains historical datasets on U.S. and global statistics for oilseeds, oilseeds meals, fats, and oils, including supply, use, stocks, and farm and wholesale price series. It includes some State-level oilseed acreage, yield, and production estimates. Annual international imports and exports, as well as global supply and distribution of oil crops, vegetable oils, and protein meal, are also included in this dataset.

All underlying data in the Oil Crops Yearbook are derived from USDA’s primary data sources, except for a few tables that indicate that the USDA, ERS estimates are made when reported data are unavailable. The ERS Oil Crops team combines and aggregates data from multiple Federal agencies’ public reports, including World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB), USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), and USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).

The key purpose of the Oil Crops Yearbook is to provide the only publicly available compilation of historical supply and demand statistics for oilseeds and oilseeds products. Users can view and download the historical Oil Crop Yearbook from the Cornell University’s Mann Library under the Oil Crops Yearbook Dataset.

The Oil Crops Yearbook is available in both the XLSX and CSV files. The CSV files contain all data points in the Oil Crop Yearbook Tables, with one data point per row. For more information on the CSV files’ variable names and general annotations see the User Guide on the documentation page.

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  • All tables

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  • All tables--Oil Crops Yearbook (complete data set in compressed .zip file)

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  • Canola seed, oil and meal: Acreage planted, harvested, yield, supply, disappearance, and value, U.S., 1991/92-2024/25

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  • Cottonseed and Cotton Seed Products : U.S. acreage planted, harvested, yield, production, value, U.S., and supply and disappearance 1980-2024

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  • Flaxseed and Flaxseed products: U.S. acreage planted, harvested, yield, production, value, and supply and disappearance 1980-2024

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  • Peanuts: U.S. acreage planted, harvested (by state and region), yield (by state and region), production (by state and region), and value, U.S., 1980-2024

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  • Soybean U.S. stocks: On-farm, off-farm, and total by quarter, U.S. soybean acreage planted, harvested, yield, Soybean and soybean meal production, value, price and supply and disappearance, prices 1999/00-2024/25

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  • Sunflower seed, oil, and meal: U.S. acreage planted, harvested, yield, production, value, and supply and disappearance 1980-2024

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  • Edible fats and oils: U.S. Supply and disappearance, 2006-2024 and prices by month

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  • Supply and use: U.S. and world soybeans, soybean meal, soybean oil, vegetable oils, protein meal 2014/15-2024/25

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