The Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook tables contain over 20 years of time-series data for U.S. bearing acreage, production, prices, crop value, trade, per capita use, and more. Yearbook tables from previous years are available Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook: Database.
Data coverage for melons was included in the Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook tables beginning in 2012. Melon data for years prior to 2012 can be found in the Vegetable and Pulses Yearbook and earlier editions of the Vegetables and Melons Yearbook.
Data tables are consolidated into eight workbook files: General, Noncitrus Fruit, Citrus Fruit, Berries, Melons, Tree Nuts, Supply and Availability, and U.S. Trade. A list of all tables is available below.
The tables will be organized as follows:
Table A-1 through A-15 in the General file
Table B-1 through B-32 in the Noncitrus Fruit file
Table C-1 through C-30 in the Citrus Fruit file
Table D-1 through D-10 in the Berries file
Table E-1 through E-10 in the Melons file
Table F-1 through F-18 in the Tree Nuts file
Table G-1 through G-45 in the Supply and Availability file
Table H-1 through H-5 in the U.S. Trade file
All tables will also be available in the All Yearbook tables file below.