Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: April 2017
- by Agnes Perez and Gustavo Ferreira
- 4/3/2017
This report provides analysis of supply and demand conditions in the U.S. fruit and tree nut markets, including projections on market conditions for 2016/17 citrus crops.
Errata: On April 26, 2017, the April 2017 Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook report was reposted to clarify, on page 13, that the increase in Florida tangerine production reported for the 2016/17 season is largely attributable to a change in the way USDA/NASS reports tangerine production, which beginning in the 2016/17 season includes Royal tangerines (previously reported as Temple oranges) and tangelos in the total.
Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: April 2017
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