Brian D. Adam
- Branch Chief, Crops
- Google Scholar Profile
Brian Adam serves as chief of the Crops Branch, which provides:
- Commodity market information about crops (feed grains, oil crops, wheat, rice, cotton, sugar, fruits, tree nuts, vegetables, and pulses)
- Data products for crops commodities and bioenergy
- Research focused on domestic and international markets for crops
Before joining USDA, Economic Research Service in 2020, Brian was a professor of agricultural economics at Oklahoma State University, where he conducted research and taught courses in economics of agricultural markets. In addition to research analyzing grain markets, his interdisciplinary research has focused in two areas: 1) the economics of grain quality and stored products, and 2) the economics of traceability in the food supply chain. He participated in multi-institution, multi-disciplinary grant projects totaling more than $6 million in the last 10 years and has been a keynote speaker in national and international industry conferences.
He has taught more than 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students. In 2019, he received the “Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award: More than 10 Years’ Experience” from the Western Agricultural Economics Association.
Ph.D. University of Illinois, agricultural economics
M.S. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, agricultural economics
B.S. Wheaton College, mathematics
Professional Affiliations
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
American Economic Association
Western Agricultural Economics Association
NC-213 The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium, “Marketing and Delivery of Quality Grains and Bioprocess Coproducts.”
Selected Publications
Etienne, X.L., Farhangdoost, S., Hoffman, L.A., & Adam, B.D. (2023). Forecasting the U.S. season-average farm price of corn: Derivation of an alternative futures-based forecasting model. J of Commodity Markets 30:100333. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2023.100333.
Vitale, J., Adam, B., & Vitale, P. (2020). Economics of wheat breeding strategies: focusing on Oklahoma hard red winter wheat. Agronomy 10, 238; doi: 10.3390/agronomy10020238.
Su, L., Adam, B.D., Arthur, F., Lusk, J., & Muellenet, J.F. (2019). The economic effects of rhyzopertha dominica on rice quality: Objective and subjective measures. J. of Stored Products Research 84:101505. doi: 10.1016/j.jspr.2019.08.002.
Su, L., Adam, B.D., Lusk, J., & Arthur, F. (2017). Anchoring, information, and fragility of choice experiments: An application to consumer willingness to pay for rice with improved storage management. J. Agricultural & Resource Economics. 42(2):255–274. doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.258001.
Adam, B. D., Holcomb, R., Buser, M.D., Mayfield, B., Thomas, J., Crandall, P., O’Bryan, C.A., Ricke, S.C., Knipe, D., & Knipe, R. (2016). Enhancing food safety, product quality, and value-added in food supply chains using whole-chain traceability. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. special issue - Volume 19 Issue A:191-214. doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.240706.
Crandall, P.G., O’Bryan, C.A., Babu, D., Jarvis, N., Davis, M.L., Buser, M., Adam, B., Marcy, J., & Ricke, S.C. (2013). Whole-chain traceability, is it possible to trace your hamburger to a particular steer, a U. S. perspective? Meat Science. 95(2):137–44. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.04.022.
Siaplay, M., Adam, B.D., Brorsen, W., & Anderson, K. (2012). Using basis, futures price, and futures price spread as barometers for storage decisions. International J. of Economics and Finance, 4(5):15–24. doi: 10.5539/ijef.v4n5p15.
Adam, B. D., Siaplay, M., Flinn, P.W., Brorsen, B.W., & Phillips, T.W. (2010). Factors influencing economic profitability of sampling-based integrated pest management in stored grain. J. Stored Products Research 46:186–196. doi: 10.1016/j.jspr.2010.04.004.
Adam, B. D., Hong, S.J., & Dicks, M.I.R. (2004). The effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on elevator merchandising margins in Oklahoma. J. Agricultural and Applied Economics, 36,1 (April):83–96.
Adam, B. D., Betts, S., & Brorsen, B.W. (2000). Effects of reduced government deficiency payments on post-harvest wheat marketing strategies. J. Futures Markets, 20(3):243–63.
Brorsen, B. W., Garrison, C., Adam, B.D., & Dicks, M. (1996). Nonresponse bias corrections for the 1990 SWCS survey of conservation reserve program acreage. Review of Agricultural Economics, September, 18(4):669–80.
Adam, B. D., Garcia, P., & Hauser, R. (1996). The value of information to hedgers in the presence of futures and options. Review of Agricultural Economics, September, 18(4):437–47.
Adam, B. D., Kenkel, P., & Anderson, K. (1994). The economics of cleaning winter wheat for export: An evaluation of proposed Federal ‘clean grain’ standards. J. Agricultural and Resource Economics, December, 19(2):280–98.
Garcia, P., Adam, B.D., & Hauser, R.J. (1994). The use of mean-variance for commodity futures and options hedging decisions: The case of hogs. J. Agricultural and Resource Economics, July, 19(1):32–45.
Garrison, C. O., Dicks, M.R., & Adam, B.D. (1994). Estimating the impact of Conservation Reserve Program expiration on corn and wheat prices. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, April, 23(1):94–99. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Journal #AEJ-130.
Adam, B. D., Garcia, P., & Hauser, R.J. (1993). Robust live hog pricing strategies under uncertain prices and risk preferences. J. Futures Markets, December, 13(8):849–64. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Journal #6251.
Adam, B. D., Hudson, M.A., Leuthold, R.M., & Roberts, C.A. (1991). Information, buyer concentration, and risk attitudes: An experimental analysis. Review of Agricultural Economics (formerly North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics), January, 13(1):59–71.
Leuthold, R. M., Garcia,P., Adam, B.D., & Park, W.I. (1989). An examination of the necessary and sufficient conditions for market efficiency: The case of hogs.” Applied Economics, February, 21(2):193–204.